4 Reasons A Fully Automatic Egg Tray Making Machine Is A Good Investment For Poultry Farmers

Many farmers get into the poultry raising industry as harvesting eggs offers a fantastic return on investment. Early on, farmers also understand just how crucial it is to package and transport eggs in an appropriate manner for safekeeping to their final destinations. Fully automatic paper egg tray making machines are the perfect investment that help poultry farmers take their businesses to the next level without having to spend a major portion of their budgets on industrial processes.

Egg Tray in the Farm
Egg Tray in the Farm

The paper egg tray making machines come in three different varieties: the manual, semi-automatic, and automatic. Though higher in cost initially, the automatic function is a worthy investment as it allows farmers to automate the entire process of egg tray production and use recycled paper materials to create fresh pulp. Below, we will highlight some of the reasons that poultry farmers make it a point to invest their funds in egg tray making machines fully automatic!

1. Enhanced Egg Protection

As egg trays are molded and manufactured to house eggs of a very specific size and shape, they are able to offer adequate protection against harmful external elements. When exposed to excess light and humidity, eggs can quickly deteriorate in quality, which is why perfectly molded paper egg trays are the ideal source of protection. Having proper protection will eliminate the potential of losing eggs and having to decrease profits.

2. Convenient Handling

As eggs are produced on a large scale to be sold to markets and restaurants, it’s crucial to streamline the packaging and transportation process. The eggs are able to go through the different steps automatically or with very little in the way of human intervention. By implementing the egg tray equipment, farmers can ensure that their products are transported quickly and efficiently in as little time as possible.

Convenient Egg Tray Machine
Convenient Egg Tray Machine

3. Increase Desirability And Sales

In a world driven by commerce, people do care about the outward appearance of the products they choose to purchase. Ensuring that eggs are properly bundled and displayed in their respective trays, they become more appealing to consumers, and that directly impacts product sales! Consult Beston to start this project: pulpmouldingmachines.com.

4. Environmentally-Conscious

Modern consumers care about lessening their impact on the environment, and that includes working diligently to lower their carbon footprints. Farmers choosing to opt for a way to recycle paper pulp will become easily more desirable in the eyes of consumers. As old paper goods are shredded, mixed with water, and eventually turned into pulp, they are recycled and given a new lease on life. Mentioning this part of the egg tray production process can make a company more sustainable while also doing the most good for the environment through actionable impact.

Are Automatic Egg Tray Making Machines Expensive?

Automatic egg tray manufacturing machine prices are considerably the higher priced option when compared to manual and semi-automatic equipment. They handle virtually all processes involving the manufacturing of paper trays, which is why they also yield a higher price tag. A small-scale egg tray making machine can be purchased for as little as 8,000 USD, but prices can reach upwards to 70,000 USD based on size, automation, capacity, quality, and output.