About Small Scale Pyrolysis Equipment

The industrial sector is increasingly turning to recycling as a viable method of both reducing the carbon footprint of society (and their operations) – and producing materials that are in increasing demand by manufacturers. One such process is pyrolysis. This involves the heating of waste matter in an oxygen-poor environment to ‘crack’ the bonds between various elements of the waste material and produce a number of valuable products, including liquid oil, solids, and non-condensable combustible gas. More: https://www.bestongroup.com/id/.

Small Scale Pyrolysis Equipment

Small-scale pyrolysis machines are usually defined as ‘batch’ pyrolysis machines. These machines are so named due to the fact that they can receive raw materials and produce final products in batches. This will therefore take into account the ready availability of waste material – as opposed to the continuous pyrolysis plant which receives a steady stream of raw material.

The small pyrolysis plant for sale has a variety of benefits for the investor. Firstly it does not take up that much space which makes it ideal for those businesses operating from smaller premises and secondly it does not consume as much power as the larger versions of these plants. The handling capacity of these batch plants is typically in the region of 10t/d and they are therefore an attractive investment for the entrepreneur due to the low unit cost. They are also attractive due to the fact that the smaller batch pyrolysis plants are portable and can be relocated to the source of waste material as and when it becomes available.

These plants make use of several types of raw materials. These raw materials can include waste tires. The raw material is widely available and pyrolysis is an attractive option for those businesses looking to get rid of a large number of used tires. It also reduces the number of tires that reach landfills – an ever more challenging problem due to the fact that the materials used in the manufacture of tires take between 50 to 80 years to biodegrade.

Small Scale Pyrolysis Equipment

Large tires and tires used on heavy transport vehicles are ideal for use with a batch pyrolysis machine. Such tires yield between 45%-52% of oil by weight. Contrast this with rubber cable sheath, or rubber shoe soles at 35% and carpeting at 30%. PPE and related plastics can have an oil yield of around 90% in some cases – so that raw material is much sought after. Even plastic household garbage, including plastic bags can yield around 30% oil. These figures should make it clear that the source of waste material for use with a pyrolysis machine is almost endless. The fact that this material will be sporadically available from various sources makes the mini pyrolysis machine for sale an attractive investment for those who do not have a single, centralized source of raw material.

However, a batch pyrolysis plant can make use of many different types of material – not only plastic and rubber related. It can make use of oil sludge, paper-mill waste, and many other types of industrial waste.

Investment in a tdu thermal desorption unit can provide exceptional returns for the entrepreneur. the wide availability of waste material and the low purchase cost of the machinery are only two factors that contribute to the potential profit of owning the machinery.